




A legacy of homophobia(同性愛恐怖の遺物)

>The world was easy to portray in black-and-white terms (as it is again today) -- them against us, evil vs. good. (Guess which side you're supposed to be on.) And urging them on was the firm conviction that the liberal excesses of the '60s and '70s -- including gay liberation -- needed to be corrected or, more accurately, wrung out of the system as vigorously as possible.

>And thanks to John Paul II, homosexuality has risen to the top of the list of modern evils. This elevation was due to his own experiences. As a young man, he lived through the Nazi occupation of Poland. As a bishop and then cardinal, he endured the repression of a communist regime. Once communism fell, something else had to take its place as the ideology of evil. With the rise of gay rights, we were the easy pick to fill the void.


>John Paul II must be held accountable for a complete failure of leadership on the sexual abuse crises that arose during his watch. The pope clearly abdicated his responsibility to protect the children of God from pedophile priests and was more concerned about the primacy of the church and protecting church assets.

>All of the ultraconservative positions of John Paul II and the Vatican are in direct opposition to those that were espoused by John Paul I. Had the first John Paul lived anywhere near the length of time of his successor, the Catholic Church would be a completely different institution than it is today.
