Two Transgender Members Quit Group(2人のトランスジェンダーメンバーがグループを離脱)

(訳 by AJ)

Human Rights Campaign の2人のトランスジェンダーメンバーがグループを離脱した。「トランスジェンダー労働者を除外した、雇用差別禁止法案を支持できないからだ」との理由でだ。

Jamison Green と Donna Roseがthe Human Rights Campaign役員を辞任したことは重大な影響をもたらすという。The Human Rights Campaign (HRC)は、LGBTの人権擁護の団体だ。
HRCは現在も、これからも、この法律がLGBTコミュニティ全体を擁護するものとなるように努力する。HRCは法案がトランスジェンダー労働者を含まなかったことには失望しているが、この法案は、性自認によって不法な職場差別を人たちにとっても、今後の前進につなぐ道を作るものとなると信じている」とHRC広報のBrad Lunaはのべた。
Brad Lunaは「Donna とJamisonも今後の努力で、うまくいくように望んでいる」と述べた。

Two Transgender Members Quit Group
1 hour ago
WASHINGTON (AP) — Two transgender members of the Human Rights Campaign quit Tuesday, saying the group's support of an employment nondiscrimination bill that excluded transgender workers put them "in an untenable position."
Jamison Green and Donna Rose's resignations from the business council of the Human Rights Campaign are effective immediately, according to a joint letter. The Human Rights Campaign works for equal rights for gays, bisexuals and transgender people.
"Considering recent broken promises, the lack of credibility that HRC has with the transgender community at large, and HRC's apparent lack of commitment to healing the breach it has caused, we find it impossible to maintain an effective working relationship with the organization," they said.
The House, with support from the Human Rights Campaign, earlier this month passed the Employment Non-Discrimination Act. The measure would make it illegal for employers to make decisions about hiring, firing, promoting or paying an employee based on sexual orientation.
But it does not protect transgender workers. That term covers transsexuals, cross-dressers and others whose outward appearance does not match their gender at birth.
Supporters of the bill say it would not have passed the House if it had included transgender protection. However, many transgender activists and their supporters were furious at their exclusion from the legislation and lobbied to scrap it.
The bill is now in the Senate.
"HRC has always and will continue to be supportive of a fully inclusive ENDA that protects our entire community," said Human Rights Campaign spokesman Brad Luna. "While HRC was disappointed the bill did not include protections for transgender Americans, we believe it paves the way for additional progress to outlaw workplace discrimination based on gender identity."
Luna said: "We wish Donna and Jamison well in their future endeavors."

Human Rights Campaign
Jamison Green
Donna Rose