

(訳by AJ)

この法案に反対した党はThe Partido Popularだけであった。
スペインには3000人から8000人のトランスセクシュアルがいると推測されるが、MálagaのCarlos Haya Hospitalによれば手術まで進むのは3分の1に過ぎないという。

New law for Transsexuals passed in Congress today
By h.b.
Thu, 01 Mar 2007, 15:43

Congress today approved a new law which will allow transsexuals in Spain to change their name and the sex shown on their DNI identity document, before being subjected to surgery.

The Partido Popular were the only party to vote against the new law.

The new Sexual Identity Law, will allow such people to change the details on their DNI with simple diagnosis of Tran sexuality from a doctor who will also have to certify the person has been undergoing treatment for at least two years, and that during that time he or she has been living as a member of the new sex.

It’s thought that there are between 3,000 and 8,000 transsexual residents in Spain, but according to the Carlos Haya Hospital in Málaga, only about a third follow the process through to surgery.