(2006年12月19日21時17分 スポーツ報知)
Thursday, Dec. 21, 2006
Dad's bid to change sex registry fails
KOBE (Kyodo) A man claiming to have gender identity disorder who underwent a sex change after fathering a child said Wednesday the Kobe Family Court's Amagasaki branch had rejected his request to change the sex designation in his family register.
Masami Osako, 51, told reporters he will immediately file an appeal with the Osaka High Court.
Osako was once married and had a child but later divorced. He subsequently underwent a sex-change operation but is still listed as a male in his family registry.
"I feel uneasy about the incongruity of my current appearance and the gender in the registry," Osako said.
The rejection "is said to be for the welfare of the child, but divorce, which can impact the relationship between a parent and child, is still allowed," he said.
The case has drawn attention because one of the legal conditions for allowing GID-diagnosed people to change their registered sex is that they not have children.
Under the law that took effect in July 2004, people diagnosed by at least two doctors as having a psychological makeup different from their sex and a desire to live as a person of the opposite sex both physically and socially can apply to change their registration.
Applicants must be aged 20 or above, unmarried, have no children, and no longer have functioning reproductive organs after undergoing a sex-change operation.