陰茎重複奇形の中で、もっとも有名なものは、Jean Baptista dos Santosだ。生後6ヶ月で、彼の身体は人に知られることとなった。彼の両親は健康で、通常の身体の二人の子供をもうけていた。妊娠中は特に問題はなく、安産であった。彼はハンサムで、体格がよく、二つの分かれたペニスがあり、それぞれのペニスは6ヶ月児相当の大きさであった。排尿は、二つのペニスから同時になされた。彼は陰嚢も二つあった。両足の間には、もう一本の足があった。その第3の足は、小指大の長さ1/2インチ、幅は小指大で、骨と軟骨から構成される短い茎状部で恥骨に結合していた。この第3の足は、肛門面に膝頭と自由に動く関節あった。この足には、動かす力はなかったが、感覚は有していた。(訳by AJ)
>The most celebrated of all the diphallic terata was Jean Baptista dos Santos, who when but six months old was spoken of by Acton. His father and mother were healthy and had two well-formed children. He was easily born after an uneventful pregnancy. He was good-looking, well proportioned, and had two distinct penises, each as large as that of a child of six months. Urination proceeded simultaneously from both penises; he had also two scrotums. Behind and between the legs there was another limb, or rather two, united throughout their length. It was connected to the pubis by a short stem 1/2 inch long and as large as the little finger, consisting of separate bones and cartilages. There was a patella in the supernumerary limb on the anal aspect, and a joint freely movable. This compound limb had no power of motion, but was endowed with sensibility...