

Zavitzianos G.という精神分析家が1970年ごろ使い出した言葉のようだ。
「Homeovestism: perverse form of behaviour involving wearing clothes of the same sex.」


これは「homeovestism」から着想を得て、1991年Louise Kaplanが命名したらしい。



Homeovestism is the sexual enjoyment of wearing the garments of one's own sex. I'd been searching for this word for years, not even sure that it existed. For a while, after a spirited exchange with a professional drag artist I was calling it Female drag. It's so nice to have the proper word for it. Although I did just look it up in the dictionary and it wasn't there. So I could be wrong. But I need that word. Transvestism is adopting the clothes of the opposite sex for purposes of emotional or sexual gratification.
It may be too new to be in your dictionary, like the slightly different term (homovestism--no 'e') Raphael Carter invented, seeing a related gap in the language. Raphael's emphasis is slightly different--not enjoyment, sexual or otherwise, but the compulsion, for whatever reason, to wear the clothes of one's own gender. I think, though, that your definition needs a word as much as Raphael's does. Use the word, spread it around, and it will get into the dictionary.

Word analogous to transvestite coined by psychoanalyst George Savitzianos. It means a person who dresses and acts to seem exactly like the stereotype of their gender because they are scared to admit that there are any parts of them which don't fit the stereotype.
Psychiatrist Louise Kaplan: "Emma Bovary, who acts or dresses exactly like some stereotyped notion of a woman, may be a female homeovestite, a woman who is afraid to openly acknowledge her masculine strivings...The concept of homeovestism, with its implication of gender impersonation, may also be more faithful to what is going on when a woman dresses up to exhibit herself as a valuable sexual commodity than the term exhibitionism."

Kaplan describes "homovestism as an impersonation of the idealized phallic parent of the same sex to overcome shameful and frightening cross-gender identifications." (Page 546, footnote to page 250.) She credits this concept to the work of George Zavitzianos (1967), "Problems of Technique in the Anbalysis of a Juvenile Delinguent," International Journal of Psychoanalysis 48: 439-47; _____ (1971), "Fetishism and Exhibitionism in the Female
and Their Relationship to Psychopathy and Kleptomania;" International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 52: 297-305; _____(1972),"Homeovestism: Perverse Form of Behaviour Involving the Wearing of Clothes of the Same Sex," International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 53: 471-77; _____(1977), "The Object in Fetishism, Homeovestism, and Transvestism," International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 58:487-95.

Also see Louise Kaplan (1991b), "Woman Masquerading as Women", in Gerald Fogel and Wayne Myers, Perversions and Near-Perversons in Clinical Practice (New Haven, Yale University Press), pp.127-152.