

日本語では、誰が訳したのか知らないが、「前向きのビーナス」と気取っていて、意味不明のタイトルだが、英語ではそのものずばり"The Copulation"(性交)というタイトルの作品。

Talking About Sexual Dysfunction to Enhance Adherence to Medication
Philip R. Muskin, MD

>Let me point out a few things about this picture. There's a tract here that leads down through the spinal cord into the penis. This was actually thought up by Hippocrates and that was how we thought semen got to the penis. This is a little tough because it is a 500-year old picture, but you can see that there are 2 tubes in the penis. There is one from the spinal cord and there is one from the bladder because the Church had the notion that semen wasn't bad. Semen was good; urine was polluted and you had to have 2 tubes carrying these things. They had to be separate. Leonardo da Vinci was probably the greatest anatomist who ever lived. He dissected people with great care. Do you think he saw 2 tubes? Do you think he found a tube from the spinal cord into the penis or did his culture influence him? I didn't indicate it, but there's a tract here from the breast down into the vagina that Leonardo found; no one else has found that tract, and that was thought to lubricate the vagina. So this was the notion. Let me point out to you, if you look at the penis, it's nice and straight as it enters the vagina, and that was the conception of what copulation was like.

・ 脊髄からペニスにつながる導管がある。これは実際にはヒポクラテスにより考えられ、精液はこの経路で出ると思われた。
・ ペニスの中に二つの管がある。一つは脊髄からで、もう一つは膀胱からだ。というのも、当時の教会は、精液は不浄ではなく良いものと考えたが、尿は汚れていると考え、二つの管で別々に運ばれないといけないと考えたのだ。
・ 乳房から腟への管が描かれている。これによって、腟が濡れると考えた。


ダ・ヴィンチ NBS-J (タッシェン・ニュー・ベーシック・アート・シリーズ)

ダ・ヴィンチ NBS-J (タッシェン・ニュー・ベーシック・アート・シリーズ)



Magnetic resonance imaging of male and female genitals during coitus and female sexual arousal