

【1月14日 AFP】薬指が人差し指よりも長い人には、トレーダーとしての資質があるとの研究結果が、12日の米科学アカデミー紀要(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)に発表された。


 今回の研究を主導した英ケンブリッジ大学University of Cambridge)のジョン・コーティーズ(John Coates)氏によると、アンドロゲンは巨額の金融取引に必要な集中力と反射作用を改善するという。



Second-to-fourth digit ratio predicts success among high-frequency financial traders
John M. Coatesab1, Mark Gurnellc1 and Aldo Rustichinid1

  1. Author Affiliations

aDepartment of Physiology, Development, and Neuroscience, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 3DY, United Kingdom;
bJudge Business School, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 1AG, United Kingdom;
cDepartment of Medicine and Institute of Metabolic Science, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 0QQ, United Kingdom; and
dDepartment of Economics, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB3 9DD, United Kingdom
Edited by Bruce S. McEwen, The Rockefeller University, New York, NY, and approved November 14, 2008 (received for review October 28, 2008)

Prenatal androgens have important organizing effects on brain development and future behavior. The second-to-fourth digit length ratio (2D:4D) has been proposed as a marker of these prenatal androgen effects, a relatively longer fourth finger indicating higher prenatal androgen exposure. 2D:4D has been shown to predict success in highly competitive sports. Yet, little is known about the effects of prenatal androgens on an economically influential class of competitive risk taking—trading in the financial world. Here, we report the findings of a study conducted in the City of London in which we sampled 2D:4D from a group of male traders engaged in what is variously called “noise” or “high-frequency” trading. We found that 2D:4D predicted the traders' long-term profitability as well as the number of years they remained in the business. 2D:4D also predicted the sensitivity of their profitability to increases both in circulating testosterone and in market volatility. Our results suggest that prenatal androgens increase risk preferences and promote more rapid visuomotor scanning and physical reflexes. The success and longevity of traders exposed to high levels of prenatal androgens further suggests that financial markets may select for biological traits rather than rational expectations.




