the 23rd Annual Conference of the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association in Montreal

the 23rd Annual Conference of the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association in Montreal

Transgender Health Topics

Plenary Lecture

Culturally Competent Transgender Care
Viviane Namaste, Ph.D., Assistant Professor
Simone de Beauvoir Institute, Concordia University, Montreal


Improving Medical Visits for Transgender Clients
Tina Celenza, PA-C, MPH, Barbara Lewis, PA-C

Primary Care and Hormonal Therapy for Transgender Males
Ryan Gorton, MD

Medical-Legal Policy Update in the Quest for Trans Health Care and Justice
Ryan Gorton, MD and Z. Gabriel Arkles, JD

From the Medical Gaze to "Sublime Mutations":Re-viewing of Nonstandard Bodies and their Ethical Implications
Ben Singer, PhD-c

Transgender Health Institute: Pathways to Transition

GLMA Pre-Conference Event on Wednesday September 21, 2005 1 - 5 p.m.
Transition Redux: Before, During and After?

HBIGDA, Gender Identity Disorder and the Continuing Evolution of Transgender Health Care and Well-being
Moonhawk River Stone, M.S.

What Epidemiology Data Tells Us About Trans Health
Jessica Xavier, MPH

On the Medical Margins: A Harm Reduction Approach to Trans Health
Ben Singer, Ph.D.-C

Developing a Community-based Transgender Health Program
Robert Winn, M.D.