
本来、「The Man Who Would Be Queen; The science of gender-bending and transsexualism」をちゃんと読むのが筋だけど。

Lynn Conwayが「Bailey本からの直接引用。」というサイトを作っているので、翻訳適当にはしょりつつ紹介。(“”の中が引用。)


"The Man Who Would Be Queen: The Science of Gender-Bending And Transsexualism" The title of the book


The book's cover contains a deliberately gross photo of a man's gnarly, muscular, hairy legs in high heels, as if these are a typical "transsexual man's" legs. front cover

"Are all male transsexuals women trapped in men's bodies ... ?" inside front cover sheet

"Supposedly, male-to-female transsexuals are motivated by the deep-seated feeling that they have women's souls. However, - - - men who want to be women are not naturally feminine. There is no sense in which they have women's souls" p. xii

" - - - he recalls the parents of a boy with GID telling him: "Every night before going to bed, he prays to God to turn him into a girl." ... Zucker thinks that an important goal of treatment is to help the children accept their birth sex and to avoid becoming transsexual." p. 30

"Failure to intervene increases the chances of transsexualism in adulthood, which Zucker considers a bad outcome. ... Why put boys at risk for this when they can become gay men happy to be men?" p. 31

"Imagine that we could create a world in which very feminine boys were not persecuted by other children and their parents allowed them to play however they wanted ... As much as I would like to arrange such a world, I think that it might well come at the cost of more transsexual adults." p. 33

"The two types of transsexuals who begin life as males are called homosexual and autogynephilic ... homosexual transsexuals are extremely feminine gay men, and autogynephilic transsexuals are men erotically obsessed with the image of themselves as women." p. 146

"The most important reason that most people do not realize that there are two types of transsexuals is that members of one type sometime misrepresent themselves as members of the other. ... they are often silent about their true motivation and instead tell stories about themselves that are misleading and, in important respects, false." p. 146

"Once you've learned about autogynephilic and homosexual transsexuals and seen several of each, distinguishing them is easy." p. 192

"The current popular literature about transsexualism is noteworthy for its ignorance of the distinction between autogynephilic and homosexual transsexuals." p. 216

3. Bailey は、さらに最初のタイプ(男性に惹かれるもの)は実際には「同性愛TS 男性」であるとし、次のように笑いものにしている。

" - - - one type of transsexual man is a kind of homosexual man." p. 146

"To be sure, only a small minority of gay men become transsexual, but homosexual transsexuals are a type of gay man". p. 178

"In order for a feminine boy to become transsexual, something extra must happen. What is the something extra? - - - Zucker found several predictors of adolescent GID: lower IQ, lower social class, immigrant status, non-intact family, and childhood behavior problems unrelated to gender identity disorder." p. 178-179
(女性っぽい少年が、TSになるには、何か更なることが必要だ。その更なることとは? Zuckerがいくつかの思春期GIDの予想因子を見出した。知能が低い、社会階級が低い、移民、家庭問題、GIDとは関係のない問題行動などだ。)

" - - - homosexual transsexuals are used to living on the margins of society" p. 184

"Homosexual transsexuals tend to have a short time horizon, with certain pleasure in the present worth great risks for the future." p. 184

"Prostitution is the single most common occupation that homosexual transsexuals in our study admitted to." p. 184

"The more resourceful and attractive transsexual prostitutes are call girls." p. 185
