
Denver Post 2006.8.22.
(訳 by AJ)

カー容疑者は、この日曜日に、バンコクから出国後、LA空港で、Boulder郡の委任状に基づき、逮捕された。 彼は厳重警備刑務所に拘留されている。
バンコクのSiam Swan形成クリニックのSetthakarn Attakonpan医師は、カー容疑者は5月9日初診で、顔、首、両頬の体毛脱毛希望で来た、と述べた。


1625ドルで性転換手術を行うThep Vechavisit医師は、取材に対して、カー容疑者のことは覚えていないし、患者であったかどうか話すつもりもない、と述べた。
タイの首都のガーメント地区中央部に位置するPratunam PolyclinicのVechavisit医師は、新聞報道で、カー容疑者が自分の患者で性転換を求めていたことを知った、と述べたが、このことをマスコミに話したことは否定した。


Vechavisit 医師は英字新聞に掲載された、手術代のドル価格を表示した新聞広告を見せた。豊胸術が1125ドル、脂肪吸引が625ドル、でべそ縮小が1250ドル、睾丸切除が125ドル。

Vechavisit 医師は、何百という患者を診るので、カー容疑者の事は覚えていない、しかし、最近、彼の顔写真を新聞で見たが、性転換を望む人の顔には見えなかった、と述べた。
Vechavisit 医師は、診察室で待つ男性を指さし、伸びた髪の毛と女性らしい顔つきを指摘した。
タイの出入国警察トップのLt. Gen. Suwat Turongsiskulは今日、先週、カー容疑者の部屋を捜索した時は、コンピューター一台と衣類だけ見つかったと述べた。薬剤は見つかっていない。
Vechavisit 医師は、マスコミがカー容疑者性転換手術を望んでいたというストーリーを報道することの手伝いはできない、と語った。
Vechavisit 医師は、「人々の推測を止めることはできない。かれらは彼が殺人者かどうかも推測するだろう」と語った。
Staff writer Jeremy Meyer can be reached at 303-820-1175 or jmeyer@denverpost.com.

jonbenet ramsey murder
Physician tells of Karr's sex-change plan

By Jeremy P. Meyer
Denver Post Staff Writer
Bangkok, Thailand - A doctor told The Denver Post today he was treating John Mark Karr with hair removal in advance of sex-change surgery.
Also, today, an extradition hearing was scheduled for Tuesday morning, the Los Angeles County district attorney's office said. It was not known whether Karr, the suspect in the JonBenét Ramsey murder case, had retained a lawyer.
Karr was arrested late Sunday at a Los Angeles airport on a warrant out of Boulder County, after he was escorted out of Bangkok. He's being held in a high-security prison.
Dr. Setthakarn Attakonpan of Siam Swan Cosmetic Clinic in Bangkok said Karr first came to him March 9 for hair removal on his face, neck and cheeks.
"The reason he wanted to do hair removal was because he wanted to do a sex change," Attakonpan told The Post. "He told me he was in the process of medical treatment for cutting off his testicles."
Karr completed four treatments at the clinic, the last on July 24, medical records at the clinic show.
"He was concerned most about his sideburns," Attakonpan recalled.
The latest revelations come as another doctor in Bangkok fielded similar questions from news media amid reports he was also working with Karr on a sex- change operation.
Dr. Thep Vechavisit, who performs sex-change surgery for $1,625, told The Post he doesn't remember Karr and wouldn't say whether he was a patient.
Vechavisit, whose storefront Pratunam Polyclinic sits in the middle of the Thai capital's garment district, said he had read the news reports that Karr was one of his patients and was seeking a sex change, but Vechavisit denied he told reporters that.
The Associated Press on Sunday reported that Vechavisit said Karr had a consultation at the clinic. An unnamed clinic staffer reportedly told the news service that Karr had talked with the doctor about sex-change surgery.
"Even if I found his record, I cannot tell you," Vechavisit said of Karr, citing doctor-patient confidentiality. "You will have to ask Mr. Karr."
The clinic this morning bustled with patients. One man sat in the waiting area before a sex-change operation scheduled later in the day. Vechavisit said he does several such surgeries a month.
Vechavisit showed a newspaper advertisement that ran in an English-language paper that listed prices in U.S. dollars for his services. Breast-enlargement surgery was $1,125; liposuction was $625; a tummy tuck, $1,250; and the removal of testicles, $125.
Vechavisit said he wouldn't remember Karr because he sees hundreds of patients, but he said he has seen Karr's photo recently in the newspapers and that the murder suspect didn't look as if he were seeking to change his gender.
The doctor then pointed to the man in the waiting room and noted his long hair and feminine appearance.
Vechavisit said if he were working with Karr on a sex change, he would have prescribed drugs to him, and they should have been found.
Lt. Gen. Suwat Turongsiskul, head of Thailand's immigration police, said today that only a computer and clothes were found in Karr's room when authorities searched it last week. No drugs were found.
Vechavisit said he couldn't help that news organizations were running the story that Karr was seeking a sex-change operation.
"You can't stop people from guessing," he said. "They are also guessing about whether he is a killer or not."
Staff writer Jeremy Meyer can be reached at 303-820-1175 or jmeyer@denverpost.com.