(以下訳 by AJ)
トランスジェンダーの教師が、教室に戻ってくることに、Jersey Shoreの少なくとも一人の父兄が激怒している。
この教師は、リリー・マクベスLilly Macbethという名前で、Eagleswood Township 小学校で5年間教えていた。
休職をした後、今年、学校に戻ろうとしている。しかし少なくとも一人の父兄が、マクベス の復帰に反対している。というのもマクベスは以前は男性として教えていたのに、今度は女性として戻るからだ。
「最初は男性として教員をやって、今度は女性として戻ってくるなんて狂気の沙汰だ」と、Eagleswood小学校の父兄のマーク・シュネップMark Schneppは語る。
(以上 訳 by AJ)
Transgender Teacher Angers Eagleswood Parent
Man, Turned Woman, Working As Substitute Teacher
EAGLESWOOD TOWNSHIP, N.J. -- At least one parent at the Jersey Shore is upset with a decision to let a transgender teacher back into the classroom.
The substitute teacher told NBC 10 News that her new gender has no effect on her ability to teach.
Lilly Macbeth has been a teacher for five years at Eagleswood Township Elementary School.
This year, after some time off, she is ready to teach again, but at least one parent is fighting Macbeth's return to the class because the last time Macbeth was teaching at Eaglewood, she was a man.
"My life is an open book and I'm proud of that," Macbeth said.
Macbeth did not change her gender on a whim.
"My path in life had me as a father of three and a husband for 33 years," Macbeth said.
But something sparked a change -- a change Macbeth is still undergoing. She was known most of her life as William and now, as Lily, she is a substitute teacher for three school districts, including Eagleswood.
"The fact that (she) taught there as a man first, and now coming back as a woman is just a huge distraction," said Mark Schnepp, a parent of an Eagleswood student.
Schnepp appears to be leading the way to try and prevent Macbeth from returning to the classroom.
"I just wanted to let everyone know what's going on and so I took out an ad," Schnepp said.
The ad urged parents to show up at next Monday's school board meeting.
"The gentleman that took out the ad had every right to do so as long as things like that don't step on others' freedom. What can you do?" Macbeth said.
Schnepp, who is a Methodist, said that Macbeth's sex change is against his religion and the school board is violating his rights if Macbeth enters a classroom.
"The only thing surrounding this issue is fear -- fear of the unknown," Macbeth said.
Macbeth said that the school board has invited her to speak with them at a closed session at Monday's regular school board meeting. She said the board hasn't taken any action, but Schnepp said that he wants her barred from teaching.
School board members would not comment on the issue.